الأحد، ١٤ أغسطس ٢٠١١

congenital anomaly in calf suffers tympany

this is the first time I see case like that calf suffers from tympany after feeding and from the right side not the left one ?

as any method for diagnosis use stethoscope for hearing the sound of the rumen
on the left side but here no sound no sound on the left but typical sound on the right sound
by sonar there 's rumen criteria on the right side and abomasum on the left
after feeding the calf show tympany but with normal defecation and urination

no surgical interference done

الأحد، ٧ أغسطس ٢٠١١

perireticular abcess

this is  an amazing case the owner says:
animal off food ,increase in the size of abdomen and not respond to any treatment

by sonar:
fluid present in the ventral wall  but with some difference according to the site near the fore limb some what defined to make you say its localized and in the site near the hind limb 

by abdomenocentesis :
fluid in the hind area with no odor and yellowish in color by heating not reveal any odor and fuid in the fore limb area looks like pus
itis pus