الثلاثاء، ٥ يوليو ٢٠١١

-Mansoura slaughter slab-زيارة لمجزر المنصورة

Mansoura slaughter slab

visit to Mansoura slaughter slab reveals a lot of information firstly the method of routine examination
this examination is done for each carcass brings to the slab and if there's any suspicion about existance of certain disease there 're more examination performed .

let's start with normal routine examination
and it should be mentioned that the slab slaughter and examine different meat animals






the slab really lacks alot of hygeinic measures
but let's begin firstly  what is performed to animal before slaughtering then steps of examination
when the animal enter the slab it must be thoroughly examined by veterinarian as antemortem examination constitute about 50% of your decision 
calf should be examined for diseases and also for its weight as for example in Egypt calf should weigh about 150kg and that detected in lair-ages

female should be examined for diseases & pregnancy
male should be examined for diseases

after that the approved animal slaughtered with one shout  cut by sharp knife without complete separation of neck from the body

then they pour water on it (i really don't know exactly why but it may be to washing of the animal and facilitating removal of skin but if it 's done by huge amount of water it considers as amethod of adultration as in this time prior to slaughter the carcass has great tendancy for accepting the water and trap it inside tissue

then let the carcass for few minutes for bleeding
then introduce air to separate skin from the underlining tissues by applying compressor

then deskining occur

after that the carcass for adult divided into two sides but calf no
and hanged  for postmortem examination

هناك ٣ تعليقات:

  1. جميل جدا
    لكن استخدام خطاف فى اليد اثناء فحص الأبقار يمنع من الجس ( palpation ) و قد يؤثر ذلك فى دقة الفحص

  2. زى اللسان والقلب ماهو مسكهم بايدهم لكن فى الكبد والكلى عمل فتحات كتيرة علشان يسبعد اى حاجة فى البارينكيما

  3. وبردوا هو غلط بس بصراحة كان غسل ايده
